
How to cancel an Air Asia flight ticket online?

You can use the online method or reach a customer service agent to request the AirAsia flight cancellation. If you prefer to cancel your flight ticket online, you can use the steps that are provided in the points below.

Cancel AirAsia flight online

The AirAsia official website is where you can make the modification or the cancellation of your flight ticket.

  1. So go to the www.airasia.com 
  2. Click the “Manage” option.
  3. Enter the first or last name of the passenger and then the PNR number.
  4. Once you are on the following page, you can get the flight information.
  5. Click on the flight and then click on the cancel option.
  6. Make the cancellation changes if it is applied.
  7. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your cancellation process.

Call an Air Asia executive for ticket cancellation

If you are unfamiliar with the online method or you also have doubts regarding the cancellation process, you can use a contact number and directly talk to an Air Asia live agent to cancel flight booking.

  • Go to the help support option. Where you will get all the information to contact the service. Dial 080 4666 2222 or +91-80-46676700 and follow the instructions to get in touch with the agent. Soon you will be associated with the customer service member of AirAsia. Give the details of the passenger and the flight to request a cancellation.

AirAsia flight cancellation policy

To avoid any issues in the future, it is the best idea to go through the Airasia flight cancellation policy before canceling your flight tickets.

The 24-hour policy:

  1. When you book your flight tickets on AirAsia, you can cancel your reservation on the same day as your booking.
  2. You are permitted a full refund if you cancel on the same day.
  3. And this 24-hour policy is applicable for both refundable and nonrefundable flight tickets.

Canceling due to illness or death:

  1. If you or your co-passenger cannot travel because of sickness, you can cancel and apply for a refund.
  2. If there is a sudden death of a family member and you are unable to travel, you can provide proof and apply for a refund.

What are the cancellation charges for Air Asia?

If you cancel an AirAsia flight after 24 hours of your booking, you will have to make Airasia flight cancellation charges to cancel your flight tickets. The charges can be between $100 to $200 depending on the fare of your flight tickets.

How much refund can I get if I cancel my flight with AirAsia?

You will get a complete refund if you have canceled your flight within 24 hours of your booking, and there are also other conditions, such as getting a full refund if your ticket is refundable and eligible for a full refund.

Does AirAsia have a free cancellation?

AirAsia has free cancellation only when you cancel an Airasia flight within 24 hours after the initial reservation. If you cancel at the last moment or after 24 hours of your booking, you need to make the cancellation charges to cancel your flight tickets. 

Can I cancel an AirAsia flight after booking?

Yes, you can cancel booking Airasia after booking. You can use the online process or customer service help to cancel your flight tickets.