
How do I cancel my Star Air ticket?

If you need to cancel your Star Air plane ticket online, The detailed procedure is here: 

Cancel Star Air flight reservation online

  • Get on the Star Air website https://starair.in.
  • Click on the Manage Booking section at the top.
  • Insert the booking code and last name, and click on the search icon.
  • Now select the Air Ticket you wish to cancel, click on the cancel button. 
  • Confirm the reason for your cancellation and proceed.
  • If applicable, pay for the cancellation fee and follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.

Contact Star Air to cancel a flight

In addition to the online process, you can also contact Star Air customer care to cancel a flight. Check out how?

  1. Dial the Star Air hotline number +91 99705 55111 / +91 22 50799555.
  2. Tap 1 for English and 2 for Hindi, follow IVR carefully. 
  3. Soon you will be connected to an agent at Star Air.  
  4. Share your flight cancellation request and confirm booking details. 
  5. The agent will cancel the ticket on your behalf, and you will get a cancellation confirmation email soon.

Star Air Cancellation Policy

  • The tickets are refundable with all taxes/fees/levies subject to a cancellation fee if you cancel the confirmed Star Air bookings. Besides, you are always entitled to a refund of the Government and Airport fees if charged. 
  • Star Air allows you to cancel the confirmed booking only if made at least 2 hours before the scheduled departure. 
  • You get 24 hours to cancel your Star Air booking for free, and get a full refund, if departure is seven days or more away from the booking. If not, a cancellation fee applies based on the fare rules, cancellation time, etc. 
  • The cancellation fee is subtracted from the total value of the fare ( Base fare and Fuel Surcharge), and the remaining (except additional services you paid for) is refundable to the customers in case of cancellation).
  • You can cancel the booking only up to 2 hours before departure. If you miss it, the 100 % ticket value is forfeited, and you aren't refunded. 
  • You cancel your Star Air flight ticket online by visiting the Manage booking section and offline by talking to Star Air customer service directly. 

How much is the Star Air flight cancellation fee?

The star air cancellation charges vary based on the fare rules, cancellation time, and other factors. Here are the highlights below for reference: 

  1. There is no cancellation fee if you complete the cancellation within 24 hours of booking and departure is seven days away or more. 
  2. The cancellation fee ranges from INR 2500 - INR 3000 if you cancel the ticket more than 72 hours before departure. 
  3. The cancellation fee ranges from INR 3000 to INR 3500 if you cancel the ticket between 02 and 72 hours before departure. 
  4. However, if you cancel your ticket within 2 hours from departure, the total ticket value will be forfeited and charged as a cancellation fee. 

How can I cancel my Star Air flight for free?

If you want to cancel your star air flight for free, you must cancel the ticket within 24 hours, and the departure date should be after seven days. In that case, access your booking details online by visiting the Manage booking section and then using the cancellation option to cancel the ticket. Once you cancel the ticket, a refund will be credited to your original back in around seven days. You can also speak to Star Air customer service to cancel the booking.

What is the minimum time to cancel a Star Air flight ticket?

Once you book the Star Air Flight, you can cancel the booking immediately. Besides, the minimum time to cancel the ticket is 2 hours before departure. As per the Star Air ticket cancellation policy, the total ticket value will be forfeited if you cancel the booking within 2 hours of departure time.