When you have booked your flight for a domestic or international destination, moving to the next step, packing becomes a task as it becomes necessary to know which items are restricted or allowed in carry-ons and baggage allowance weight. To avoid hassle during the flight boarding, passengers should always check the Spirit Airlines Baggage Allowance policy at least a day before as the Airline baggage allowance changes occasionally. To make your task more accessible, we have compiled piled-up information about the Spirit Airlines baggage allowance for carry-on and Checked luggage.
For Smooth travel with Spirit Airlines, passengers should be familiar with their carry-on baggage policy rules and regulations.
According to the Spirit Baggage Allowance policy, if the traveler wants to bring an additional carry-on, the Airline will charge a specific fee that may vary depending on factors like travel distance, departure/arrival time, and Fare class. Therefore, travelers can purchase additional allowances either online or through web check-in or before or after check-in at the Airport.
Spirit Airlines allows its travelers to travel with their pets in the cabin on most of its flights; thus, the pets should be placed in carries, which will be counted as carry-ons. So, you need to make sure that the carrier dimension does not exceed 18*14*9 inches (45.72* 35.56 * 22.86); therefore, the combined weight of the carrier and pet should not exceed 40 lbs (18.14kg). Passengers should be required to pay the $125 container fee.
A few items are prohibited from being kept in carry-ons as they are considered too dangerous; a list of some restricted items is given here.
Airlines do not offer free checked baggage in any of their fare classes; passengers are required to pay for their checked luggage, and the charges depend on the fare type, travel distance, and departure/ arrival time. But before learning about the charges, you should know the weight limit of Spirit Airlines' Baggage Allowance for Checked Baggage, which is discussed below.
Spirit Airlines travelers can check up to five bags after paying the baggage charges, which may vary. The customer should pay $58 to $99 for the first checked bag. The second checked bag fee is nearly $73 to $99, and for the fourth and fifth checked bags, the fee will be $98 to $100.