Visit to upgrade your seat on Vistara and manage the booking by entering the PNR number and last name and choosing the higher travel class you wish to travel to.
You can easily select a seat on IndiGo Airlines during booking or through Manage Booking. A seat map will appear on your screen, choose a seat of your choice.
Go to and manage your IndiGo reservation by entering your PNR/Booking reference number, email ID/last and reschedule your IndiGo flight online.
You can get a refund from IndiGo by clicking on the Manage Booking option> entering your PNR Number>Email ID/Last name and submitting an IndiGo refund form.
You can cancel your Indigo flight ticket within 24 hours of booking via manage booking online at without paying any cancellation charges.
If you need to get a refund from SpiceJet, you must cancel the flight and request a refund online by clicking "Claim Now" and filling out the refund form completely.
You can make the flight cancellations with SpiceJet online via manage booking at within 2 hours prior to the scheduled departure time.
You can change your GoAir flight online by managing booking at You can make the Go First ticket change within 24 hours without paying any fees.
Cancel your Air India ticket online by Manage the Booking at As per the cancellation policy, cancel a flight for free within 24 hours of booking.
You can get a refund from GoAir by filling out the refund request form online within 7 to 10 business days. Or contact GoAir customer care for refund related issues.
You can select a seat on Spicejet during the check-in for your flight at the airport. Or through Manage the Booking by entering the PNR Number & Last Name.
To cancel Vistara flight contact to the customer care at +91 9289228888. Or visit to cancel Vistara reservation online by manage the booking.